Introducing J.R. Weir March 21, 2014 J.R. was the first guide I met, the summer I started working for Northwest Rafting Company. The first time I saw him he was standing on the biggest boat in our fleet (Dozer), wearing a giant sombrero and grinning from ear to ear. I knew at that moment, it was going to be a really fun summer. If you can picture him looking like that, you practically already know J.R. If I could choose J.R’s spirit animal, It would have to be a river otter. He… Read More ShareTweetPin0 Shares
Meet Nathaniel Wilson February 14, 2014 Every year at Northwest Rafting Company we dedicate the summer to a special subject we want to focus on. Past summers have seen the “Summer of Sanitation”, and the “Summer of Bags.” This year is the “Summer of Guides.” For those of you who have experienced the magic of river trips, you know that great guides can really make a trip special. Luckily for me, and for our river guests, NWRC has an amazing group of top rated guides who I have the pleasure of working… Read More ShareTweetPin0 Shares