We had a successful 2020 season and are excited for 2021. Wee want to do everything we can do to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 on our trips (while of course we can’t eliminate the risk entirely).
Here are some ways we are working to provide enhanced sanitation and allow for social distancing while still relaxing and having fun.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
We strongly urge everyone to be fully vaccinated before joining us on a trip this summer. This is not something we absolutely require, but rather something we strongly urge you to do for your own safety and the safety of others on your trip.
Social Distancing on the Rafts and Duckies
We’ll do our best to allow for social distancing on paddle rafts and oar rafts. If you’re up for a more adventurous trip, the inflatable kayak option is a great way to be socially distanced during the day. Masks are an option on the rafts but they won’t be required.

We feel like the best version of social distancing is in the great outoors floating through a wilderness area with your family.
Social Distancing in Camp
Each night of our trips we camp in spacious, river side camps. We’ll have a chair circle as usual, but the chair will have a bit more space in between them to responsibly allow for fun conversations, games, and stories in the evenings.

Sanitation in Camp
We already pride ourselves on a high level of sanitation on our trips but we’ve upped our standards even more. As usual we will have no-touch hand-washing stations in camp for using before/after eating, using the bathroom, or just because.

Masks will be required in camp when you’re within 6 feet of anyone outside your family unit.
If you’re concerned about being in a bus or van with others, we recommend that each group have their cars shuttled to the take-out. On the Rogue River, you can set this up with the Galice Resort (shuttle to Foster Bar) and on the Middle Fork, give us a call and we can set it up for you.
Guest Responsibilities
We ask that you bring masks with you on your trip. If you have been diagnosed or have symptoms of COVID-19 any time up to three weeks before the trip we ask that you cancel your trip.
After the trip, we will send an email asking everyone if they have had symptoms of COVID-19. We ask that you respond to this email so that we can, if necessary, inform guests of potential exposure. Should you experience symptoms of COVID-19 after your trip, keep in mind that your name will be kept anonymous if we need to reach out to guests.