We’re proud to be collaborating with our friends at KS Wild and Base Camp Brewing Co. on releasing the newest BCBC beer, the Chetco River Saison. Come join us at the release party on Thursday, June 5th for this celebratory event of wilderness conservation and brewing genius.
Where: Base Camp Brewing Co., 930 SE Oak St, Portland, Ore.
What: Happy Hour at 6 PM and short presentation at 7 PM
The NWRC guides first explored the wilderness section of Chetco River in 2011 and have been enamored by this river ever since. Every June we return to the Chetco with a small group of hearty adventurers looking to experience a week in this special canyon. This year’s trip will start just a few days after this release party.

This past spring our friends at Base Camp Brewing Co. did a 10 mile hike into the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. camping where Carter Creek meets the Chetco. This trip is what inspired them to make their new beer and we can’t wait to taste their creation!